Alternate Definitions for Ablation moraine

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Term: Ablation moraine
Definition: Mound or layer of moraine in the ablation zone of a glacier the rock has been plucked from the mountainside by the moving glacier and is melting out on the ice surface.
Created 2022.03.08
Last Modified 2023.03.27
Contributed by GCW Glossary
Term: Ablation moraine
Definition: An irregular-shaped layer or pile of glacier sediment formed by the melting of a block of stagnant ice. Ultimately, ablationa moraine is deposited on the former bed of the glacier. Also called Ablation Till.
Created 2022.03.08
Last Modified 2023.03.27
Contributed by GCW Glossary
Term: Ablation moraine
Definition: Mound or layer of moraine in the ablation zone of a glacier the rock has been plucked from the mountainside by the moving glacier and is melting out on the ice surface.  NSIDCCryosphere 

An irregular-shaped layer or pile of glacier sediment formed by the melting of a block of stagnant ice. Ultimately, ablationa moraine is deposited on the former bed of the glacier. Also called Ablation Till.

Created 2017.06.06
Last Modified 2022.04.08
Contributed by GCW Glossary