Alternate Definitions for Outwash plain

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Term: Outwash plain
Definition: A broad, low-slope angle alluvial plain composed of glacially eroded, sorted sediment (termed outwash), that has been transported by meltwater. The alluvial plain begins at the foot of a glacier and may extend for miles. Typically, the sediment becomes finer grained with increasing distance from the glacier terminus.
Created 2022.03.08
Last Modified 2023.03.27
Contributed by GCW Glossary
Term: Outwash plain
Definition: (ground view) A relatively flat spread of debris deposited by meltwater streams emanating from a glacier (cf. Sandur).
Created 2022.03.08
Last Modified 2023.03.27
Contributed by GCW Glossary
Term: Outwash plain
Definition: A flat or gentle sloping surface of glaciofluvial sediments deposited by meltwater streams at the edge of a glacier. Usually found in close spatial association with moraines.
Created 2022.03.08
Last Modified 2023.03.27
Contributed by GCW Glossary