Alternate Definitions for Paleopermafrost

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Term: Paleopermafrost
Definition: Soil, rock or organics that had been subjected to temperatures below 0C for several consecutive years in the past. Often, micro-indicators of paleopermafrost are visible on geological profiles, such as ice wedge shapes, soil particle sorting or paleo-cryoturbation. Paleopermafrost is identified using micro-morphological indicators, such as vesicular or lamellar structures, structures of compacted silt deposits and transport, preferential orientation of certain grain sizes, structural plane banded, laminar micro-frost weathering, carbonation and hydrolysis of Fe. Signs of paleopermafrost are important indicators for the reproducing paleo-climatic conditions since it indicates possible variations in the 0C isotherm, and indirectly provides information on paleo-temperatures and when the mean annual soil temperatures increased above freezing. This phenomenon can be observed Patagonia and the Andes.  TrombottoGeocryology 

Created 2017.06.06
Last Modified 2022.03.08
Contributed by GCW Glossary
Term: Paleopermafrost
Definition: Soil, rock or organics that had been subjected to temperatures below 0C for several consecutive years in the past. Often, micro-indicators of paleopermafrost are visible on geological profiles, such as ice wedge shapes, soil particle sorting or paleo-cryoturbation. Paleopermafrost is identified using micro-morphological indicators, such as vesicular or lamellar structures, structures of compacted silt deposits and transport, preferential orientation of certain grain sizes, structural plane banded, laminar micro-frost weathering, carbonation and hydrolysis of Fe. Signs of paleopermafrost are important indicators for the reproducing paleo-climatic conditions since it indicates possible variations in the 0C isotherm, and indirectly provides information on paleo-temperatures and when the mean annual soil temperatures increased above freezing. This phenomenon can be observed Patagonia and the Andes.
Created 2022.03.08
Last Modified 2023.03.27
Contributed by GCW Glossary