Alternate Definitions for RTN

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Term: RTN

Radial Tangential Normal. Typically centeredat a spacecraft. Used for IMF and plasma V vectors. The X axis (radial) isset as the primary axis, and is defined as the axis pointing from thespacecraft to the Sun. The Z axis (tangential) is set as the secondary axis,and is defined as that portion of the solar North rotational axis which isperpendicular to the primary axis. The Y axis (normal) is defined as Z crossX.

Created 2023.04.16
Last Modified 2023.04.16
Contributed by Ryan McGranaghan
Term: RTN

Typically centered at a spacecraft. Used for IMF and plasma V vectors. R (radial) axis is radially away from the Sun, T (tangential) axis is normal to the plane formed by R and the Sun's spin vector, positive in the direction of planetary motion. N (normal) is R x T.

Created 2023.04.16
Last Modified 2023.04.16
Contributed by Ryan McGranaghan