Alternate Definitions for estuary

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Term: estuary

An estuary is a semi-enclosed coastal body of water with one or more rivers or streams flowing into it, and with a free connection to the open sea. Estuaries are often associated with high rates of biological productivity. An estuary is where the river meets the sea. An estuary is typically the tidal mouth of a river, and estuaries are often characterized by sedimentation or silt carried in from terrestrial runoff and, frequently, from offshore. They are made up of brackish water. Estuaries are more likely to occur on submerged coasts, where the sea level has risen in relation to the land; this process floods valleys to form rias and fjords. These can become estuaries if there is a stream or river flowing into them.

Created 2023.04.16
Last Modified 2023.04.16
Contributed by Ryan McGranaghan