Ice jam

Alternative definitions (10), class: vernacular (0)
Term: Ice jam
Definition: Blockage of a waterway by the accumulation of ice.  WMOMeteoterm 

A stationary accumulation that restricts or blocks streamflow.  NOAAHydrology 

An accumulation of broken river or sea ice caught in a narrow channel.  NSIDCCryosphere 

An accumulation of broken river ice or sea ice caught in a narrow channel.  WMOSeaIce 

In hydrologic terms, a stationary accumulation that restricts or blocks streamflow.  NOAA-NWS 

Sea ice terminology that describes an accumulation of broken river ice or sea ice which is not moving, due to a physical restriction and its resistance to pressure.  ECCCanada 

(1) Accumulation of shuga including ice cakes, below ice cover. (2) Broken ice in a river which causes a narrowing of the river channel, a rise in water level and local floods.  WMOHydrology 

1.An accumulation of broken river ice caught in a narrow channel. Ice jams during freeze-up are quite porous, whereas breakup jams may comprise solid flows, frequently producing local floods during a spring breakup. 2.Fields of lake or sea ice thawed loose from the shores in early spring and blown against the shore, sometimes exerting great pressures.  AMSglossary 

The accumulation of ice at a specific location along a stream channel. Can cause the reduction of stream flow down stream of the obstruction and flooding upstream.  PhysicalGeography 

An accumulation of broken river or sea ice caught in a narrow channel.  SPRI 

Created 2017.06.06
Last Modified 2022.03.08
Contributed by GCW Glossary