Very close pack ice

Alternative definitions (4), class: vernacular (0)
Term: Very close pack ice
Definition: Pack ice in which the floes are tightly packed but not frozen together, with very little, if any, sea water visible; ice cover practically 10/10th.  NSIDCCryosphere 

Floating ice in which the concentration is 9/10 and more, but less than 10/10.  Bushuyev 

Pack ice in which the concentration is nine-tenths to less than ten-tenths.  WMOSeaIce 

Pack ice in which the floes are tightly packed but not frozen together, with very little, if any, sea water visible. Ice cover practically 10/10ths.  SPRI 

Created 2017.06.06
Last Modified 2022.03.08
Contributed by GCW Glossary